<><><><><>..........T R A C K * V I B E Z...........<><><><><>

Welcome to TrackVibez

This Blog is dedicated to the amazing and talented Jamaican Athletes.

If you are a fan of Track and Field, FEEL AT HOME.

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Thursday 14 April 2011

Lets Get TrackVibez Off To A Blazing Lightening Start

1 comment:

  1. This sprint by Usain Bolt is amazing. If you pause the video at 0:44 seconds you will notice that one of his legs is on the finish line and the race timer reads 9.3 seconds. You will also notice that his head is almost over the line and closer to it than his chest. This is important because the bibs that athletes wear on there chest contains the electronic chip that stops the race timer.If Bolt had leaned into the line with his upper body we might have seen a faster time.
